martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Phonics 4 year olds

After the phonics course in Madrid, I've been trying to do more phonics as part of our daily routines.

This is what the 4 year olds do:
1: Review all sounds.
2: Learn some tricky/high frequency words (in context).
3: Spell out some topic words (segmenting).

Then we continue with our topic activities.

I didn't know if it would be work, but you can see they are fantastic! They love spelling the words too. I got the free printable cards here. They love practising in small groups in our literacy sessions too.

Only 4B is on the video, but the same activities are done with 4A, and they are fantastic too! (It is just quite difficult for me to video and teach at the same time! Thank you Marta).

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